Oversimplified Prohibition | History Teacher Breakdown & Reaction LIVE
Support Eddie
Discord: https://discord.gg/eddie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/teachereddie (Getting Strange Podcast)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/modernretroshow
Donate: https://paypal.me/modernretroshow
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/modern-retro
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_teacher_eddie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeacherEddie1
Venmo: @teachereddie
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Welcome all, my goal is to create a community for people who feel unheard and alone. I am a teacher, historian, business owner, single dad, and many things but education is my driving force but not teaching people what to think but HOW to think for themselves.
Getting Strange Podcast with Teacher Eddie & Mistress Aly is now available on most podcast services, including Spotify, Apple, and Amazon, see all links below or search "Teacher Eddie" on your podcast app. Please sub and support, Streamed live every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/teachereddie
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly/id1576748500
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2rq4jV0QU6GjKKKp6Adsz1
Amazon Music/Alexa - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/7f58b608-0b4e-41a6-beed-cead9d36e5f8
Iheart Radio - https://iheart.com/podcast/84835833/
Tunein - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Adult-Content/Getting-Strange-p1475280/
Listen Notes - https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly-teacher-5fMw38L2aI_/
Player FM - https://player.fm/series/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly
Podcast website: https://gettingstrange.podbean.com/
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/gettingstrange/feed.xml
original video: https://youtu.be/AAGIi62-sAU
#prohibition #reaction # oversimplified #teachereddie
Email Me
MRR E-mail dadviceskills@gmail.com
Dadvice E-mail dadviceskills@gmail.com
Yes, I know I look like Bert Kreischer
I speak Russian fluently but I was born and still live in Brooklyn, NY
I am not married and yes I have custody of my son Jakob
My history concentrations were in Race relations, womens studies, and western philosophy.
I deal with anxiety, depression, and agoraphobia
I am a pop culture sponge and my drive is the know everything about everything
My son is 10 years old
Uploaded by Modern Retro Show 2021
Support Eddie
Discord: https://discord.gg/eddie
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/teachereddie (Getting Strange Podcast)
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/modernretroshow
Donate: https://paypal.me/modernretroshow
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/modern-retro
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_teacher_eddie/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeacherEddie1
Venmo: @teachereddie
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Welcome all, my goal is to create a community for people who feel unheard and alone. I am a teacher, historian, business owner, single dad, and many things but education is my driving force but not teaching people what to think but HOW to think for themselves.
Getting Strange Podcast with Teacher Eddie & Mistress Aly is now available on most podcast services, including Spotify, Apple, and Amazon, see all links below or search "Teacher Eddie" on your podcast app. Please sub and support, Streamed live every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/teachereddie
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly/id1576748500
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2rq4jV0QU6GjKKKp6Adsz1
Amazon Music/Alexa - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/7f58b608-0b4e-41a6-beed-cead9d36e5f8
Iheart Radio - https://iheart.com/podcast/84835833/
Tunein - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Adult-Content/Getting-Strange-p1475280/
Listen Notes - https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly-teacher-5fMw38L2aI_/
Player FM - https://player.fm/series/getting-strange-with-eddie-aly
Podcast website: https://gettingstrange.podbean.com/
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/gettingstrange/feed.xml
original video: https://youtu.be/AAGIi62-sAU
#prohibition #reaction # oversimplified #teachereddie
Email Me
MRR E-mail dadviceskills@gmail.com
Dadvice E-mail dadviceskills@gmail.com
Yes, I know I look like Bert Kreischer
I speak Russian fluently but I was born and still live in Brooklyn, NY
I am not married and yes I have custody of my son Jakob
My history concentrations were in Race relations, womens studies, and western philosophy.
I deal with anxiety, depression, and agoraphobia
I am a pop culture sponge and my drive is the know everything about everything
My son is 10 years old
Uploaded by Modern Retro Show 2021
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