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Martin Vindheim - Radio

F-35B Emergency/Diversion Landing At Tampere-Pirkkala During Ruska 23 Exercise

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SmartNSM - Automatic

Martin Vindheim - Radio

Added by miamigo
British Navy F-35B STOVL fighter landing on 29.9.2023 at Tampere-Pirkkala airport (EFTP), Finland, during Finnish Defence Forces Ruska 23 exercise. The fighter called "fuel left for 9 minutes" before approaching the airfield. Video by Matti Kuusinen.

The British F-35B planes operated from the Norwegian coast, from the Queen Elisabeth carrier, with assistance from tankers. The F-35Bs were over Norway and Sweden to reach the exercise areas in Finland. The planes did not land at all in Finnish airfields, so this arrival was completely unexpected. Given such low fuel state during approach something unexpected had happened during the mission and the fighter preferred diverting to a Finnish Air Force base instead meeting its tanker and return to the carrier.

Tampere-Pirkkala, Finland
Video (C) Matti Kuusinen 2023

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Ruska 23 in English

Ruska 23 was the Finnish Air Force’s main military exercise. The exercise gathered all Finnish Air Force units and participants from partnering and allied countries, involved some 60 aircraft and 4,500 soldiers in total.
At the core of the exercise was the implementation of complex air operations around the clock. One focus was also the utilisation of the distributed base network. The Finnish Air Force's dispersed and mobile operational concept is made possible by competent and motivated personnel, in other words cadre, conscripts and reservists. About 2,600 reservists participated in the exercise.

The exercise was also an opportunity to deepen cooperation with Finland’s partner countries and allies. Some ten foreign fighters participated in the exercise. Swedish JAS 39 Gripen multirole fighters operated from Pirkkala Air Base and from Kallax, Sweden. The British F-35 fighters participated in the exercise from the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth. The exercise deepened cooperation between the countries in both air and base operations.

– Ruska 23 was an excellent demonstration of the Air Force's high readiness and modern capabilities, a showcase of what the Finnish Air Force can do. The troops were able to train, among other things, flight missions and line maintenance of the F/A-18 Hornet fighters, says the Exercise Director, Colonel Karri Heikinheimo.

– What a great bunch – thanks everyone, sums up Colonel Heikinheimo.

Ruska 23 suomeksi

Ruska 23 -ilmaoperaatioharjoitus järjestetään 25.–30. syyskuuta 2023. Harjoitukseen osallistuu yhteensä noin 60 ilma-alusta ja noin 4500 sotilasta.

Harjoituksessa koulutetaan ensisijaisesti Karjalan ja Satakunnan lennostojen kantahenkilökuntaa ja reserviläisiä. Reserviläisiä harjoitukseen osallistuu noin 2600. Harjoitukseen osallistuvat kaikki Ilmavoimien joukko-osastot. Lisäksi harjoitukseen osallistuu joukkoja Suomen kumppani- ja liittolaismaista.

Kumppani- ja liittolaismaista ilma-aluksia harjoitukseen osallistuu noin 10. Harjoituksessa on mukana lento-osastoja Ruotsista ja Isosta-Britanniasta. Ruotsi tuo harjoitukseen JAS-39 Gripen -monitoimihävittäjiä ja Iso-Britannia F-35-hävittäjiä. Ruotsalainen konekalusto tukeutuu harjoituksessa Pirkkalan tukikohtaan. Iso-Britannian kuninkaallisten ilmavoimien hävittäjät operoivat Queen Elizabeth -lentotukialukselta Norjan rannikolta eivätkä tukeudu Suomeen.

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