SmartNSM - Automatic

Martin Vindheim - Radio

60 Fascinating Facts That Will Keep You Guessing!

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SmartNSM - Automatic 

Martin Vindheim - Radio

Added by miamigo
00:00:00 Who would have thought that the world's most pierced man has over five hundred piercings?
00:00:30 What's the longest time between the birth of twins?
00:00:58 How does Germany successfully run a crocodile farm?
00:01:26 Believe it or not, birds can "talk"!
00:01:55 Is it true that hippos sweat red?
00:02:23 Earth and the Moon: A Dance of Gravity!
00:02:54 It's fascinating that buildings can be cooled without electricity!
00:03:23 What if I told you that a blink lasts only three-tenths of a second?
00:03:54 Did you know that beneath Amsterdam is a complex sewer system?
00:04:20 Why did the famous bridge in Venice almost sink?
00:04:49 Why don’t newborns cry tears?
00:05:14 It turns out that hippos secrete "bloody sweat" to protect themselves from the sun!
00:05:38 What do cats purr for, really?
00:06:02 Is it possible? There’s "blue fire" on volcanoes!
00:06:36 Did you know that Big Ben is not a clock?
00:07:01 Did you know the world’s oldest message in a bottle was found after more than a century?
00:07:31 Why do flamingos stand on one leg?
00:08:01 Why did ancient Romans wear togas?
00:08:30 Penguins propose with pebbles
00:09:04 Did you know that wild bananas are full of seeds?
00:09:32 Did you know that olive oil can help fight cancer?
00:10:09 Is it true that most dust is dead skin?
00:11:00 Believe it or not, the world’s smallest island is only a few square meters!
00:11:34 What if I told you that your body has enough iron to make a nail?
00:12:07 Surprisingly, there’s a town in Norway where every house stands on stilts!
00:12:38 Did you know that squirrels can cause power outages?
00:13:15 Did You Know Car Aromas Can Reduce Accidents?
00:13:40 Did you know the pyramids of Giza were originally brightly colored?
00:14:21 Did you know glass actually "flows"?
00:14:49 Did you know there are 1,500 types of tea?
00:15:20 Italy: The Country of UNESCO Treasures!
00:15:56 Believe it or not, your brain generates about seventy thousand thoughts a day!
00:16:28 Johnny Appleseed: the man who planted apples not for food!
00:17:01 Can you believe that in the USA there was once a "rain of spiders"?
00:17:33 Did you know your keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat?
00:18:00 Who would have thought that giraffe spots are like fingerprints?
00:18:31 Imagine for a moment: frogs can freeze, but not die!
00:19:05 The first computer bug was... a real bug!
00:19:36 It turns out that icebergs have colorful stripes!
00:20:00 Did you know that laughter is good for your heart?
00:20:28 Octopuses are the interior designers of the ocean you never knew about!
00:21:08 Goosebumps: An Evolutionary Artifact from Our Ancestors
00:21:52 What does a sunset on Mars look like? You’ll be amazed!
00:22:29 Can you believe it? Cows have best friends!
00:23:02 Can you guess when the first mobile phone call was made?
00:23:29 It turns out the world’s smallest reptile is the size of a fingertip!
00:24:00 Believe it or not, colorblind people live full, vibrant lives!
00:24:36 The first speeding ticket: eight miles per hour is too fast!
00:25:02 Did you know that some frogs can freeze solid and still survive?
00:25:36 It's amazing, but the platypus is one of the strangest creatures on Earth!
00:26:08 Believe it or not, octopuses have three hearts and nine brains!
00:26:38 How did lasers help discover a "ghost city" under the jungle in America?
00:27:06 Did you know that the name "John" is over four thousand years old?
00:27:31 Why is Mauna Kea volcano ten times taller than Everest?
00:28:03 Eyes bigger than the brain: the amazing anatomy of ostriches
00:28:36 The Babylonian lottery: fate decides dinner!
00:29:06 Did you know almonds and peaches are relatives?
00:29:32 Your chances of winning the lottery? Dangerously low!
00:30:06 Did you know that kangaroos have a "spare" pregnancy?
00:30:42 Believe it or not, polar bears have black skin under their white fur!
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